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Cufflinks as a Treat for a Friend

Posted on 02 December 2019

Do you ever get those days when you just want to treat someone? Well I had one of those days with my best friend. She has been through so much and come out the other side and I really respect her for that.

It all started when she had her first baby. She suffered with post natal depression and was really struggling to bond with her daughter. Nevertheless she persevered and went to loads of different classes like baby massage and yoga. Soon after she recovered her husband left her for someone younger. He said he couldn’t cope with the whole family situation and just left. That really knocked her for good. She was suddenly a single Mum who had to pay bills and look after her baby. She found a job that she could do from home so she didn’t have to pay for childcare. She pulled through and is now doing really well for herself. Not only that, she is happy with her life.

The other day I was in her house and nothing seemed to be going right for her. The heating had broken down, her little one was screaming and she had loads of work to do. I was so surprised that it didn’t bother her at all and she just got on with it. I was so proud of her at that moment that I thought I just had to get her something to tell her I love her. I bought her some sparkling crystal cufflinks. She was a big fan of women’s cufflinks and really appreciated the silver cufflinks. I only hope if anything terrible comes my way I have enough strength and courage to pull through it like she had.

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