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Women Now Have the Power of Choice

Posted on 20 November 2019

I can assure you; it is perfectly fine for women to wear cufflinks. It is not only a subtle fashion accessory but also a very functional piece of clothing. Mine were undeniably ladies’ cufflinks. In fact, they are feminine flower cufflinks that no man would be caught dead wearing. It is a small silver piece with shiny stones cut into dainty flower shapes.

Certainly, these are women’s accessories as well as men’s. Just like cufflinks, there are other pieces of clothing that used to only be associated with the male species. These include t-shirts, pants and shorts. While such strict non-verbal societal rules or conventions existed only a few decades ago, a strong feminist movement has changed all that. While there are still old cultures that stubbornly stuck to conventional societal norms, much more have recognized the equality of men and women, not only in superficial behavior but also in more substantial pursuits.

For instance, everyone has come to accept that women also have the right to vote and to build a career alongside nurturing a family. Sure, women are often still expected to be a bit superhuman in that we can do everything but since we are genetically predisposed to be able to multitask anyway, we really shouldn’t mind. What is more important is that we are given the rights to choose to do or not to do. Freedom of choice has not come easily for women and we should cherish and protect that right as much as we can!

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